F1® Delta Time Formula 1 Grand Prix de Monaco 2020 Event Auction Round 2!
Two more F1® Delta Time Event auctions are about to start! The previous Event auction - the Apex “Formula 1 Grand Prix de Monaco 2020 1A” segment - sold on 2 December 2020 for a record sum of 9,081,752.4764 REVV (approximately US$223,000 at the time of sale), potentially making it the most expensive NFT ever sold.
Two more segments of the Formula 1 Grand Prix de Monaco 2020 are being released, one Epic and one Legendary. The auction starts on 21 December 2020 at 2 am (GMT).
Event Segment Details
We are auctioning two segments of the Formula 1 Grand Prix de Monaco 2020 Event: one Legendary segment and one Epic segment. These will be the first segments of either tier to be available to players.
Reminder of how Event segment supply works: there are a total of 330 Event segments per Event, of which 25 are Legendary segments and 100 are Epic segments. More details of F1® Delta Time Event tokenomics are available at this Medium post.
Details about the Auctions
Each of the Legendary and Epic segments will go on auction at the same time, with bidding exclusively in REVV. The starting price for both auctions will be 1,929 REVV. The two auctions both start on 21 December 2020 at 2 am (GMT) and finish on 24 December 2020 at 2 am (GMT).
For more information or to participate in the auction, please visit www.f1deltatime.com.
Any questions, give us a shout!
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F1® Delta Time channel on Discord.
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F1® Delta Time on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/F1DeltaTime
You can also find out more about REVV over at the official Twitter and Telegram channels.
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REVV on Telegram: https://t.me/REVVCommunity
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