F1® Delta Time — 2020 Content Pre-Sale: 50% Discount Event

7 min readNov 23, 2020


The full 2020 content sale for F1® Delta Time kicks-off later in December this year, but before that launches there will be a pre-sale, with the potential of the deepest discount for 2020 content. So get your REVV ready!

The 2020 Content Pre-Sale runs for a limited time, and is the only opportunity to buy 2020 content at a discount of up to 50% off (the discount is determined by player participation).

This event lets you purchase Keys, a new system that replaces Crates and enables you to own content before it is made available (see below). Keys will become usable during the 2020 content sale to be announced later.

REVV is the only currency usable in this pre-sale. To participate in the pre-sale, you’ll need to deposit your REVV starting on 30 November 2020, up until December 3. You can then spend your deposit to buy Keys on 4–11 December 2020. We therefore recommend that you plan your purchases and ensure that you have enough REVV on hand by the time the deposit period starts on 30 November.

The more REVV is deposited by the entire player community, the deeper the discount will be — up to 50% off!

2020 Content Pre-Sale Event TL;DR

  • Crates have been replaced by Keys, which have largely the same function but are purchasable before they are usable (like Crates, Keys are burned to mint NFTs)
  • 30 November to 3 December 2020: deposit the amount of REVV you intend to spend to purchase Keys (you cannot deposit after 3 December)
  • If the total REVV deposited by all players reaches one of the discount targets, that discount will be applied to the price of all Keys
  • 4–11 December 2020: purchase Keys with the REVV that you deposited previously
  • The only currency usable in this pre-sale is REVV
  • Keys become usable when the full 2020 content sale begins later in December

Pre-Sale Event Calendar

New: Keys Replace Crates

We have phased out Crates in favour of a Key system (existing 2019 Crates are not affected and can still be used as normal). The new Key system will grant early access to content at a discount. Keys will also be part of upcoming staking and earning mechanisms, which will be explained in the near future.

Functionally, Keys are the same as Crates, as they contain a total of 5 NFTs, and have the same value and use; you do NOT need to obtain any other item in order to use a Key. The major significant difference between Keys and Crates is that Keys can be pre-purchased and held until they become usable.

Keys are fungible tokens, so they have the same tradability as the Crates from the 2019 season content.

Pre-Sale Pricing and Sliding Discount

The pre-sale will be conducted in REVV. These are the base prices of Keys, with no discounts applied:

  • Legendary Key: 38,000 REVV
  • Epic Key: 18,000 REVV
  • Rare Key: 3,800 REVV
  • Common Key: 800 REVV

A global discount will be applied to all Key pricing depending on the total REVV deposited by players to the pre-sale (see below). This means that the more REVV is deposited by all players in this pre-sale, the deeper the discount will be — up to 50% off!

How the Pre-Sale Works

To take advantage of the pre-sale discount, players need to deposit REVV between 30 November and 3 December 2020. This is the only way to participate in this pre-sale. If you miss this deposit window, you will not be able to buy anything or take advantage of any discount in the purchase period that follows it.

The deposit isn’t only to guarantee that you will be able to participate in the sale, it also determines the size of the discount and the total supply of Keys for the 2020 F1® Delta Time season.

Purchases in this pre-sale must be made during the Purchase Period on 4–11 December 2020, so please remember to spend your deposit then. Any unspent REVV will be returned to you after the end of the Pre-Sale (11 December 2020).

Pre-Sale REVV Deposit Pool: Sliding Discount System

The deposit period will last from Monday 30 November to Thursday 3 December 2020. The total REVV deposited by all players will determine the discount for this pre-sale, as follows:

Key Supply and Allocation (Initial)

The initial supply of Keys is 13,000, which is double the original supply of 2019 Content Crates. But this amount is only provisional, and the actual amount will depend on the total REVV deposited during the deposit period.

The total REVV deposited by players will determine the total supply of Keys for 2020 content: the more REVV is deposited, the more the supply of 2020 Keys will be increased. Not all Keys in the 2020 supply will be available for purchase, as some will be set aside for player rewards, incentives, and alternate sale usage (these non-purchasable Keys are referred to as ‘Operations Keys’).

The actual number of keys available after the pre-sale will be determined as explained below.

This means that during this pre-sale there is a minimum of 10,400 Keys available for purchase at a potential discount.

Any of these 13,000 Keys not sold or earned by the end of 2020 will be burned. In addition to this initial supply, more keys could be added based on the amount of REVV deposited by players.

Key Supply and Allocation (Additional)

Additional Pre-Sale Keys and Operations Keys will be generated as a new supply when the pre-purchase REVV deposit pool reaches certain targets, and after the pre-sale has ended. So the larger the deposit pool, the more Keys will be available to buy or earn.

Pre-Sale Keys and Operational Keys — what’s the difference?

Functionally, both Pre-Sale Keys and Operational Keys are the same, but there are a few differences:

  • Pre-Sale Keys are offered only through sale events. Any Pre-Keys that are not sold in this pre-sale will be destroyed. Future sale events will rely on Pre-Sale Keys from the new supply.
  • Operational Keys are used for gameplay rewards — both Grand Prix and Time Trial game modes. Operational Keys will serve as rewards for 2019 Season Events, allowing 2019 NFT holders to earn 2020 season content through play.

2020 Content Randomisation and Scarcity

We’ll be providing more information on this as we get closer to the full sale, when you will be able to begin using your Keys, but here we provide some insight into how the model and scarcity for the 2020 season of content.

Randomisation: We’ve completely revamped the way randomisation works for the 2020 content sales. By leveraging a hybrid off-chain-on-chain solution, tokens will be minted on-chain using a random number that is generated off-chain; in brief, this random number is a uint256 keccak256 hash of a signature signed with a message consisting of a wallet address plus nonce using Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm. The nonce mechanic for opening/burning is managed by the smart contract, and is used to ensure the randomness of the random number.

Content Scarcity: The only difference between the 2020 content and the previous 2019 crate sales is that there isn’t a rigid hard cap on 2020 content. Instead, the hard cap has been converted into a fluid model, so that when new Keys are added (if sale thresholds are reached as detailed above), the NFTs will continue to have the same drop rates as seen with the 2019 crates.

Legendary Car 0.11%

Legendary Driver 0.11%

Legendary Components, Gear and Tyres 1.78%

Epic Car 1.04%

Epic Driver 1.04%

Epic Components, Gear and Tyres 3.93%

Rare Car 6.90%

Rare Driver 6.90%

Rare Components, Gear and Tyres 18.20%

Common Car 14.95%

Common Driver 14.95%

Common Components, Gear and Tyres 30.10%

Participation Guidelines:

  • To purchase, you need to have a verified F1® Delta Time account
  • In order to purchase Keys, you need to deposit your REVV before the start of the purchase period

Curious to see how 2020 assets will look like, sneak a peek here: F1® Delta Time 2020 Assets are Almost Here!

Any questions, give us a shout!

Have questions? Hit us up on social media at Twitter or Facebook, or join us on the official F1® Delta Time channel on Discord.

F1® Delta Time on Discord: https://discord.gg/6ZyRX2C2UX

F1® Delta Time on Twitter: https://twitter.com/F1DeltaTime

F1® Delta Time on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/F1DeltaTime

You can also find out more about REVV over at the official Twitter and Telegram channels.

REVV on Twitter: https://twitter.com/REVV_Token

REVV on Telegram: https://t.me/REVVCommunity

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